Our customers have all been there; tricky green algae, mold, mildew, rust stains, and dirt stains on your home, driveway, or walkway that will just not go away! We specialize in pressure washing Wilmington, NC away those unwanted stains on your home through our effective pressure washing process and 10 years of experience in cleaning properties in Wilmington, NC.
All-Brite Pressure Washing Process
- Consultation: We’ll set-up a no hassle consultation to discuss what parts of pressure washing your home, business, driveway, walkway, or structure you’d like to have pressure washed. This consultation can be done over the phone, via e-mail or in-person depending on what type of pressure washing needs to be done. All-Brite Pressure Washing & More has the experience and equipment that allows us to pressure wash your home in a timely manner as you look for the best pressure washing Wilmington, NC.
- Pressure Washing Preparation: Upon arrival to wash your home, we’ll fill up our trailer-mounted tank. We’ll then walk the property and cover sensitive plants as necessary, move any furniture off porches so we can clean effectively, and make sure all doors and windows are closed. The All-Brite team will then set-up pressure washing hoses around the home, start our machines, and pre-wet all plants and surfaces before beginning to pressure wash home.
- Pressure Washing: We’ll apply detergent through our pressure washer at a low-pressure setting allowing us to effectively cover all surfaces to be cleaned. Giving the detergent time to sit on the vinyl surface, concrete surface, wood surface, stucco surface, brick surface, or any other surface. The time will depend on how bad the tricky green algae, mold, mildew, rust stains, and dirt stains is on your home. We’ll rinse all surfaces, siding, soffit, fascia, and plants to break down detergent and wash away dirt and organic matter. Our commercial pressure washer allows us to wash your home at a higher amount of GPM (Gallons Per Minute) than the average store bought pressure washer, allowing All Brite Pressure Washing & More to wash your home more efficiently, more effectively, and in a timely manner!
- Recap and Client Satisfaction: After pressure washing away all of those troublesome stains, our All-Brite Pressure Washing & More team will walk around your home or business to make sure we pressure washed all areas to their former glory and exceeded the clients’ expectations!
Why All-Brite Pressure Washing & More?
When deciding on who is the best pressure washing company Wilmington, NC find a company that is insured, experienced, and one that understands the needs of a homeowner or business owner. All-Brite Pressure Washing & More offers power washing at a reasonable price and will finish pressure washing home with great results that leaves our customers thrilled! Take a look at our reviews on Facebook, Google, Angie’s List and our website to see what customers think of our quality of work.
If you’re interested in learning more about pressure washing your home or business, contact All-Brite Pressure Washing & More or call us at 910-398-2249.